St Edmund's
Academic Scholarship | Year 7 | 11+
With its excellent pupil-to-staff ratio, St Edmund’s School ensures Scholars receive the personalized attention their talents merit.
The prestigious title of ‘Scholar’ recognizes pupils who contribute fully to school life while embracing numerous opportunities to enhance their academic abilities. Our dedicated specialist teachers foster this enthusiasm, inspiring pupils to achieve new heights.
Academic Scholars are both challenged and stimulated, within and beyond the curriculum.
Assessments will take place the week commencing Monday 27 January 2025
Closing date for entries: Friday 17 January 2025
- Candidates must be under 11 years of age on 1st September 2025.
- In addition to completing the application form, you will be required to upload copies of the last two school reports as well as a Headteacher’s reference letter directly from the candidate’s present school.
Scholarship entrance test papers do not require any formal knowledge beyond the normal age-appropriate syllabuses. They are not designed to test additional rote learning, rather they are designed in an open-ended way to test skills, aptitude and intellectual potential.
- Entries should be submitted to the Junior School Secretary by Friday 10 January 2025. Late entries may not be accepted.
Essential | Desirable |
An Academic scholar at 11+ should contribute to school life in a meaningful and consistent way. They should also take advantage of the enrichment and extension activities offered to them. | Experience of doing personal research, for instance, with the completion of one or more St Edmund’s Diplomas, if internal. |
Candidate should perform at a high level in the January scholarship examinations | Able to lead groups in a classroom or be seen as an academic role model within their year group. |
A significant number of teachers should attest their academic prowess in reports. | Winner of national awards/competitions. |
Candidate should display a significant thirst for academic pursuits. | |
Candidates should demonstrate an ability to work at a higher level than most of their peers and a willingness to ‘go the extra mile’ in their relationships with staff and the subject material. | |
Candidates should have won an academic prize at some point in their school career. |
- Complete the online Registration form.
- Complete and submit the Academic Scholarship form | Year 7 | 11+ and upload any relevant reports and documents.
Scholarship Examinations, scheduled for w/c Monday 27 January 2025, will take place at St Edmund’s School. Lunch will be provided for candidates.

Awards of varying value, offset against the tuition fees for both day and boarding pupils, are awarded in the categories of Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport. Where fees are still prohibitively expensive, annually means-tested bursaries can be awarded to supplement a scholarship.

Dates for other Scholarships 2025
Junior School Awards | Closing Date for Applications | Assessment/Exam |
Academic at 11+ | Fri 10 January 2025 | Week commencing Mon 27 January 2025 |
Drama at 11+ | Fri 10 January 2025 | Week commencing Mon 27 January 2025 |
Music at 11 + | Fri 10 January 2025 | Week commencing Mon 27 January 2025 |
Sport at 11+ | Fri 10 January 2025 | Week commencing Mon 27 January 2025 |
Bursaries & other fee remissions
Originally founded to provide a free education for the fatherless sons of the clergy of the Church of England and the Church in Wales, St Edmund’s now accepts applications from sons and daughters of the clergy, to whom a 25% discount is offered.
A discount of 25% may be offered to employees of the Dean & Chapter at Canterbury Cathedral.
Bursaries are granted on a means-tested basis to existing St Edmund’s families who experience hardship, and there is a limited means-tested bursary provision for families who are new to St Edmund’s.
Children of former pupils may be entitled to a tuition fee concession up to a maximum of 10% . If other remissions (eg scholarship award, bursary), equate to 10% or more then no further discount will be awarded.
Members of the Armed Forces receive a remission resulting in 10% of the boarding fee being payable by the family (in addition to the MOD CEA).
Sibling discounts are also available for third and subsequent children of the same family in the school at the same time.
Applications should be made to the Bursar in writing or by email on bursar@stedmunds.org.uk