St Edmund's
Nothing is more important to us than the safety and welfare of the young people at our school. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and all those directly connected (staff, volunteers, governors, leaders, parents, families and pupils) are an important part of the wider safeguarding system for children and have an essential role to play in making this community safe and secure.
Safeguarding young people is not limited to the classrooms and corridors. It includes life at school, home, boarding, the online (and social media) world and outside the school and home environments.
If you would like to get in touch to discuss the safeguarding of a young person at St Edmund’s School, please do contact us at safeguarding@stedmunds.org.uk
Our Safeguarding and online Safety policy can be found here
Each pupil has a personal tutor who oversees their development throughout their time at St Ed’s. All staff are trained in safeguarding including business services and administrative staff. There is a strong family atmosphere and everyone knows who to turn to for help. The Good Schools Guide
Safeguarding Team
Pastoral care is the bedrock of a successful education and if a child is happy everything else follows. Head, Mr Ed O'Connor