St Edmund's
Mrs Shearer, Deputy Head, brings us up to speed with an important Mental Health initiative…
The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools has developed the School Mental Health Award to give schools a framework for whole school mental health development. By embracing the award, St Edmund’s is demonstrating a commitment to working towards excellent practice by prioritising mental health and wellbeing, thereby establishing a whole school culture where all members of a school community thrive.
The objective of the award is to strengthen the mental health of pupils and staff, enabling them to reach their full potential. Over the next year, we will be working on a developmental framework, auditing our current provision, and making realistic improvements in the mental health of our pupils, staff and community. In February 2022, the School will be awarded the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award dependant on the evidence submitted against eight themes.
Achieving the Carnegie School of Education School Mental Health Award will demonstrate our commitment to providing a culture and environment that maximises our pupils’ academic attainment and staff job satisfaction. By encouraging self-confidence, self-awareness, resilience and emotional intelligence, we are enabling our pupils to flourish in the world beyond school and to make a significant and positive contribution to society.”