St Edmund's
This year, St Edmund’s is playing a leading role in the EKST Partnership.
Our Head, Mr O’Connor chairs the Heads’ Group which oversees the strategic direction of EKST. Mr Millard (our Assistant Head) leads the Management Group which organises and implements all projects across the partnership. Of course, COVID has impacted on the range of what EKST can offer this year. However, the necessary switch to online projects has been very successful and the collaboration between our state and independent school members remains as strong and as effective as ever.
Throughout the lockdown, our focus has been on providing wellbeing and pastoral support for pupils and also offering continuing professional development opportunities for staff.
For example, in the next couple of weeks we are running two important staff training sessions:
‘Quietening the Internal Chatter’ with Dr Maryhan Baker – Wednesday 28 April 2021
Maryhan is a Psychologist and Parenting Expert with over 20 years experience. Her talk will explore how young people’s internal chatter drives behaviour and how we can help them use it more positively.
‘Personal Resilience’ with Andy Vass – Tuesday 11 May 2021
Andy is a former Headteacher now working as a psychologist and professional coach. His programme draws on the latest research into how people thrive and flourish. It demonstrates highly practical approaches that bring a sense of autonomy and ability to influence, in a useful way, the challenges educators face on a day-to-day basis.
If you are unfamiliar with the excellent work of EKST, do have a look at the website