St Edmund's
House Singing and Music Competition 2019
The House Singing Competition 2019 was an event to remember today. The atmosphere in the Theatre was very special with each of the four houses delivering powerful, convincing and memorable performances of 1980s Power Ballads to an incredibly supportive audience. Mrs Emily Renshaw-Kidd from Simon Langton Boys School was our adjudicator and she gave a good balance of friendly criticism and praise in her summary. Of course, there has to be a winner and this year Wagner took first place with their performance of ‘Nothing’s gonna stop us now’. The staff were also on fine form, not forgetting the two groups of beautiful ensemble items performed by Oliver Futcher/Matthew Bawtree and Ruby Todd/Gemma Humphries and William Inscoe.
Thanks go to all performers, staff and the band for making this happen in such a short space of time. Great teamwork, even though some of the outfits were somewhat questionable!
Results for the House Singing Competition 2019:
- Wagner – Nothing’s gonna stop us now (Starship)
- Watson – Living on a prayer (Bon Jovi)
- Warneford – Sweet child ‘o mine (Guns & Roses)
- Baker – In need a hero (Bonnie Tyler)
Results for the House Music Competition 2019:
- Baker
- Wagner
- Watson
- Warneford