St Edmund's
‘St Edmund’s School are the bench mark to which I compare other schools‘
The above is what an experienced Deputy Head (now retired) and his wife, an ex Head, Governor and School Inspector said of us as a group. Now, in their capacity as Travel Representatives, they have accompanied us on 5 overseas trips.
It has always been a pleasure taking St Edmund’s children on sporting trips abroad, a unique way to get to really know them, what they enjoy, what they find difficult and experience sometimes challenging circumstances, through airports, booking into hotels, dealing with fatigue, differing temperatures, new people, varying personalities, foreign currencies, food, customs and of course snow!
Our 50th JS PE Department trip, this time skiing in the Rocky Mountains, Denver, Colorado, was one of the very best ever. Great weather, powder snow and a great group of tourists from across the whole school from F4 to U6. They supported each other from start to finish and showed true resilience not easily learnt in the classroom. We returned after a week of skiing where our whole group were a credit to themselves and the school once again and we thank them most sincerely for the way in which they carried themselves and St Edmund’s.
We were straight back into competitive fixtures this week with 11 sports fixtures for our U10/11 to U12/13 teams on the netball courts and hockey pitches. The stand out teams of the week were the Under 13A netball team who easily swept aside a St Lawrence College team 26-9. Although an easy win, it was probably not their technically best game of the season so far.
Stand out boys teams were the U11C. Made up mainly with F4 boys. A quite unique accomplishment, their final score against JKS was 8-0. The Under 13C team cruised to victory also with a 5-2 win at JKS.
The final sporting story of the week doesn’t actually involve our children! For a change it was the parents and friends who donned their PE Kit to participate in the return of Mrs Relf’s netball fitness club at 8:30am Friday morning. Early reports from the court have mentioned a high standard of play with a little work required on fitness needed to enhance the obvious potential on show.
All are welcome to join in from 8:30am to 9:30am each Friday with tea, coffee and of course mineral water available afterwards. It was great fun and at times testing but with fixtures on the horizon more hard work is required.
Once again many thanks to all who support us in the JS PE Department, it is much appreciated.
PS. Good news about the Thursday morning ‘Wake and Shake’ club, Mr Penn’s Spotify wouldn’t load this week, so there was no ‘Smoke on the water’!
The Junior School Sports Department