St Edmund's
‘affligeres in misereatur clade in victoria!’
This is where our sporting intelligence may go too far and our Latin scholars catch us out, but the above phrase is what we as a Junior School Department try to engender in all our teams and in sporting individuals. Week in week out we try to enforce in some way the meaning of this phrase that should be paramount in all that we do in life!
The sporting week in the Junior School got off to a winning start with the Under 12 boys hockey team sweeping aside Sir Roger Manwoods with a comprehensive 7-2 win.
Once again participation was at the forefront of our sporting programme with 12 matches taking place on Wednesday, when fortunately the rain stopped and netball courts and hockey pitch was full of action. The Under 9 boys still have their winning reign even though they played against older opposition, with a victory away against Ashford School. They are a determined and competitive group whose real challenge will come along soon when perhaps an adverse result will test that modern overused word, ‘resilience’. It will certainly happen but for the mean time, well done, keep it up but be careful!
The highlight of the sporting week goes to Mrs Relf’s Under 11 netball squad and the U11A team that reversed the result of a couple of weeks back by beating a strong Spring Grove team 19-8. Making her debut, Ella Jones played brilliantly in her new team and the ever-reliable Isla Berry used her sporting aptitude to great advantage with a succession of unbelievable shooting opportunities. However, as a squad they must all take praise for the collective work shown in lessons during the week.
Form 3 have completed their Gymnastics routines and next week the routines will be tested under competition rules. A great discipline that complements all of our sports played, the group have collectively warmed to the skills taught, in a controlled environment.
The sports scholars and gifted/talented programme this week went indoors and they were inducted into using the new upgraded fitness room. Most of the work revolved around cardiovascular development with the use of weights, on this occasion and at their age, kept out of the session. Weight training is certainly ‘IN’ but we warn all of our scholars to be very aware at their age that using the resistance of their own body weight, sit ups, push ups etc is all that is required for now.
For information, we await flight confirmations before we launch our 2021 Ski Trip but should you wish to register an early interest in light of places going quickly last year, please contact Mrs Relf directly on lr@stedmunds.org.uk
The Junior School Sports Department