St Edmund's
Discipline and fun on the field
Another week of sport has passed and girls’ football is in full swing. They have taken to the game like a duck to water as they build up to next week’s football tournament. Hockey team training continues on Mondays with Mr. Stubbins focusing on goalkeeping with individual sessions for the goal keepers.
The boys continue to give their all to football working on their skills on a Monday and match play on a Wednesday. Congratulations goes to Evan, Rafa, Eliot, Freddie and Oliver who all recently performed well in the Canterbury District Under12 football trials. All five boys played their part also in their recent Under 12 win and thrilling match against our Under 13 boys who are still devastated by the defeat!
On the P.E front the focus, as is always the case in the Junior School, has been on the development of skills building towards match play. The focus at the moment has been on handling skills using basketball as a conduit. Enthusiasm remains high despite the difficulties and the children continue to impress with their resilience, positive attitude and overall enthusiasm.
Mrs Relf, Mr Penn and Mr Buckingham