St Edmund's
Pre Season Training
In preparation for the new school year, Pre Season Training for senior girls’ hockey and senior boys’ football will take place at school on Friday 30th August from 9.30am until 4.00 pm. This is open to all pupils in U5, L6 and U6 wishing to play in the senior teams.
The day will include fitness, skills sessions and games play and hopefully get everyone back into sport mode after the long holiday! Mr Millard will lead the morning football session and we will be joined by two football coaches from Chelsea Football Club Development Team for the afternoon session. Mr Stubbings will be leading the hockey sessions. In addition, an expert sporting lifestyle coach from CFC will talk to all pupils about nutrition, injury prevention and other important issues related to young people in sport.
Please bring a packed lunch and drinks to cover your needs for the day.
Please email Mrs Millard at hmm@stedmunds.org.uk to confirm attendance. We look forward to seeing you all there.