St Edmund's
Sgt Martin Ferguson
It is with the deepest regret that we have been told today that former SSI, Sgt Martin Ferguson, has passed away, following a long battle with cancer.
Much loved by colleagues, friends and pupils Martin started teaching at St. Edmund’s in 2006. His six years at the helm saw the CCF expand, gain more popularity across the full spectrum of the school community and further enhance our reputation within 11 Brigade South-East.
His passion for watersports, kayaking in particular, balanced out his dislike of Major Hawkins ‘gentle’ leg stretchers in the high mountains. Despite this he always led from the front and participated in every activity on offer.
His most telling contributions came, however, in the green domain. A true soldiers soldier he added a realism and dynamism to exercises and summer camps that just left all participants wanting more.
A dear friend to current SSI, Sgt Trevor French, who he had known since their tour of Dungannon in 1992, it was he who was directly responsible for encouraging Trevor to take the reins on his departure for pastures new in 2012. For this we are all eternally grateful.
Always one to listen, and offer prudent advice, he helped us all to flourish within the CCF, certainly facilitating my own development and enthusiasm for the movement. We will all miss his humour, his wisdom and the banter he shared with us all on so many camps and exercises.
Gone, taken too soon, he will be fondly remembered.
Major Antony Jones