St Edmund's
Sport 2.6 Challenge
Over the last 6 weeks a group of pupils, teachers and staff have been completing the 2.6 challenge, an initiative first sparked by the postponement of the London Marathon, with the purpose of raising money for the charities affected. We have had our own St Edmund’s spin on this, completing 2 physical challenges involving the numbers 2 and 6 each week, for 6 weeks.
I’d like to announce that Charlie Gotke (L5) is the ‘winner’ of the overall challenge with his vast number of fitness and skill challenges, including a 26km run and a 26km static bike each week over our 6 week period, keep uppies with a tennis ball, hockey ball and football, 26 log splits and hundreds of serves, forehands and backhands, to name but a few. Congratulations for the self discipline and motivation to keep up this level of commitment.
The most impressive challenges completed go to Gabriella Scott-Kilvert for her 26 walks on her hands in a row and Rebecca Reynolds for 260 netball shots every week!
The most inventive challenge goes to Ali Scott-Kilvert for potting 26 pool balls, laid out in the shape of 26, without a miss in sight!
The most dangerous challenge goes to Max Lester for 6 back hops on his bike!
Our staff ‘winners’ are Mrs Burton for the amazing distance she has covered with her walks over the last six weeks and Mr Comfort for his incredible weight lifting challenges! Our parent ‘winner’ is Akita Veldman for religiously sticking to her fitness regime twice a week for six weeks.
A huge thank you and congratulations to all who took part in this challenge. It’s kept you occupied and we have raised £258 so far for The Rainbow Trust. They are very grateful for our help. It’s not too late if anyone else would like to donate.
A selection of photos and videos from the challenge: