St Edmund's
Finally, we were back to something resembling normal, post Covid! Having been rained off in early May, our rearranged Sports Day took place on Tuesday 27th June. And what a beautiful afternoon of broken cloud and sunshine it was.
This was a huge team effort for all concerned and it was a fantastic sight to see each House arriving on the Jackman Field, headed by their House Flag bearer, in true Olympic fashion.
The afternoon’s proceedings started with the 200m events, across the year groups. Wins for Angelica Docwra and Oliver Edwards (L5), Martha Lane and Freddie Bickley(M5), Henry Goodwin (U5) and Iona Lester and Theo Bawtree (L6). Some exciting 800m races followed. A close-run contest in both junior and senior events, with Ines Adwan just pipping Lizzie Wiltshire to the line in the Junior Girls, Joseph Goodwin winning the boys’. Patrick Sutton and Zoe Rogers were victorious in the senior races, Zoe narrowly missing the school record.
The first track record of the day to be broken was in the Senior boys 1500m. Congratulations to Henry Goodwin on a strong performance. Blanche de Fontenay and Joey Burden glided through their races to maximum points, and Zoe Rogers was a clear winner in the Senior girls’ event.
Next followed the 100m burn up! Olivia Johnson and Lorenzo Henry set the first ever U5 records in 16.03s and 12.56s respectively. A blistering run from Theo Bawtree saw another record fall, with a magnificent 12.03s. Iona Lester ran 14.03s for the Senior Girls’. Kanade Mitsuhashi ran 12.72 for the Junior Boys’ win, with Freddie Post a close 2nd. A close race between Ines Adwan and Bea Alexander too with 15.40 and 15.44 respectively!
Three more track records followed with Clara Taylor (49.50) and Jacob Rigden 42.62 in the 300m, and Gabrielle Scott Kilvert (1m17s) in the 400m. Henry Goodwin won the Senior Boys’ 400m.
This year included mixed relays for the first time the Warneford Senior mixed relay team set the standard with a fabulous 56.43. Wagner set a new Senior boys’ 4x100m relay record with 50.96. Well done!
On to the field events with new records galore. In the Junior boys, Sean Cano jumped a superb 4.65m, Yalamber Rai launched a 25.48m discus sling and Will Surridge a 28.10m Javelin throw. Yalamber also won the Shot event and Rafa Barton Hodges leapt to 1.40m in the High Jump. Angel Newman came out on top in the Junior Girls’ High jump with 1.20m, a 3.45m stretch for Brunelle Sauvegrain in the Long Jump, 7.60m. for Lily Green in the Shot and again 16.53 in the Discus. Angelica Docwra banked an 18.80m throw in the Javelin to secure 1st place.
The Senior Girls’ was a very refined affair! Emmie Jackson broke her own 2022 record in the Shot, with a fantastic 10.50m putt – congratulations! Nele Erdmann won the High Jump (1.20m), Gabrielle Scott Kilvert, the Long Jump (3.90m), Alisha Davis the Discus (14.55) and Charlotte Richards (13.60m) the Javelin.
The Victrix Ludorum and the Victor Ludorum were awarded to Theo Bawtree and Emmie Jackson for their superb record-breaking performances and contributions to other events during the afternoon. Well deserved indeed.
My sincere thanks go to our pupils for acquitting themselves so wonderfully to the afternoon’s events, with a collective effort to wear their house colours too; hooray for that! But also, to the amazing staff team who offered their services to officiate and score for the afternoon, and to the Housemasters and their deputies for organising and motivating their teams so spectacularly, making this year’s Sports Day the best in recent years.
The final results were:
Junior Girls: Baker
Junior Boys: Watson
Senior Girls: Baker
Senior Boys: Wagner
Overall Winners with the highest points scored: Wagner
"superb record-breaking performances" Helena Millard