St Edmund's
St Edmund’s is awarded the prestigious award
Independent School of the Year Awards 2023: Performing Arts
This week, Mark Sell (Director of Drama), Ian Swatman (Head of Performance) and I attended the Independent Schools of the Year Awards ceremony in London.
We are delighted to announce that St Edmund’s won the Performing Arts School of the Year Award!
We are fortunate at St Edmund’s to have an extraordinary Performing Arts team whose imagination, professionalism and sheer hard work are an inspiration.
We are immensely proud of all the staff and students that have contributed to this award.
The judges commented on the huge range of performance opportunities across our 2-18 school and the remarkably high standards that are consistently achieved by St Edmund’s pupils.
Our strengths in music, drama, choral singing and dance clearly deeply impressed the judging panel.
We now are looking forward to our upcoming Michaelmas Concert, Gala Concert, two Drama productions in December, Festival 2024 and our 275th Anniversary Celebrations.