learning enhancement teacher/teaching assistant (Maternity cover)
Suitable for a Teacher or higher level TA you will work 1:1 with a number of students in KS3 and KS4 across the Senior School (years 9-11) in English and Maths as well as teaching small groups of students and some in class support. Working closely with the Director of Learning Enhancement, subject teachers and outside agencies you will raise attainment levels, while also working on social skills and emotional regulation. Previous experience working with secondary school age students with AEN and students with maths difficulties is essential.
Applications must take the form of a completed Staff Application for Employment Form, full curriculum vitae, and a concise covering letter outlining the candidate’s suitability for the post. The names and contact details (including emails) of two referees are required. The deadline for receipt of applications is 09:00am Monday 7 December 2020. Applications should be emailed to: slh@stedmunds.org.uk
St Edmund’s School Canterbury is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and is an equal opportunities employer. The successful applicant will undergo child protection screening.