St Edmund's
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and feel recharged for the new term.
It is great to have everyone back in School and we are raring to go.
Over the Easter break, our Grounds and Estates team have been hard at work readying the site for the summer. In particular, our new cricket square on the Jackman Field is looking good and hopefully we will be able to play some fixtures soon on the new surface. Our Sports Department are currently working with other schools to construct a meaningful and COVID safe fixture programme.
Yesterday, we had a successful Staff INSET Day. We ran training sessions on a range of important topics including Assessment, Relationships and Sex Education, Diversity and Equality and Safeguarding. There were also very positive pre-season training sessions for pupis in Tennis and Cricket.
Looking ahead, we are finalising arrangements for public examination assessments and staff are collating and analysing the necessary information to ensure our pupils receive fair and accurate GCSE and A-Level results.
It is our hope that (COVID permitting) we will be able to run a compressed, outdoor version of the St Edmund’s Festival this summer. Part of that will be an exciting and innovative production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in our Outdoor Theatre (bet you didn’t know we had one!).
My thanks as always go to the staff, parents and pupils of St Edmund’s for their amazing loyalty and support in recent months.
Let’s hope we can all enjoy a rich and rewarding Summer Term.
Edward O’Connor