St Edmund's

Senior (13-18)

How to Apply – Senior (12-18)

Boys and girls may enter St Edmund’s Senior School at ages 13, 14, and 16, in Years 9 (Lower Fifth), 10 (Middle Fifth), and 12 (Lower Sixth).

There is a notable annual intake into Years 9, 10 and 12, and a significant throughput from the Junior School at age 13.

Step 1 – Visit our school

Arrange to meet the Head, Edward O’Connor, and tour the school. Contact the Admissions Office by email or telephone 01227 475601.

Step 2 – Registration

Parents may register their child at any time before a visit by completing the online registration form here, and submitting the non-refundable £180 incl VAT registration fee.  Your son or daughter’s name is then added to the provisional list for entry in the term indicated. No child can be assessed for entry and subsequently accepted without first registering.

Step 3 – Assessment

All prospective pupils are interviewed by the Head.

  • For entry in Year 9, prospective pupils sit the Common Entrance examination. If Common Entrance is not taken at your son or daughter’s current school, we have our own entrance exams in Maths, English and non-verbal reasoning.
  • For entry in Year 10, prospective pupils sit entrance exams in Maths and English.
  • For entry in Year 12, prospective pupils must have achieved a minimum of 6 GCSE or IGCSE passes at Grade C or Grade 4 or  above, together with minimum Grade B or Grade 5 (preferably Grade 6) in their chosen A-level subjects. Alternatively, entrance tests can be sat in each of the chosen A-level options.

Our policy is to apply these criteria to all pupils and potential pupils regardless of any disability of which we are aware, subject to our obligation to make reasonable adjustments so as not to put any pupil at a substantial disadvantage when compared to others. Whilst we do not have a specialist unit, we accommodate children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN) as far as we are able.

Where pupils have a diagnosed additional need, a copy of the most current educational psychologist’s report is required. A meeting will usually be arranged with our own Head of Additional Needs in order to assess the level of support needed, and whether or not we are in a position to provide it..

All assessment visits may be arranged through the Admissions Office on 01227 475601. 

Step 4 – Requesting a reference and report

Parents are asked to provide copies of the two most recent school reports from their child’s current school. Subsequently, the Head will request a reference on the prospective pupil’s academic progress and social traits from the current school’s Head Teacher.

Step 5 – Offer of a place

Assuming the assessment is successful, the Head will make a formal offer of a place and send this to the parents along with the Parent Contract and joining instructions.  Parents respond by accepting the place in writing, completing the joining instructions and agreeing to the school’s terms and conditions. Payment of a £750 deposit is also required, which is refundable on the final term’s fees but non-refundable if the pupil does not join the school.