St Edmund's
UCAS & Destinations
The Sixth Form is a vibrant community that enriches students’ intellects, bodies and spirits.
Many of our Sixth Formers view themselves as lifelong learners. Having mastered the skills, attitudes and practices required to easily assimilate and harness knowledge, they aspire to be the best in their fields. For UCAS university applications we provide experienced staff to support all pupils as they make decisions about their future career choices. Our Head of Progression works with the Head of Sixth Form and Head of Careers to gain a full picture of each pupil’s needs and skills, with tailored one-to-one support available to all pupils completing university applications.
The Early Applicants programme, available to medical and Oxbridge applicants, provides vital preparation and support for interviews and admissions tests.
We take pride in knowing our pupils and supporting them to make the right applications for their future goals – in whatever field that may be. The vast majority of our pupils gain excellent offers from their preferred university choices on the strength of their UCAS applications.
Subjects that pupils choose to study range from Archaeology to Veterinary science.
Our students’ intellectual appetites, capacity to think creatively and strong A-level grades means that they are attractive to top universities in the UK and internationally. Whilst some of our pupils prefer to study in and around the South East, many travel to far the corners of the UK and beyond: St Edmund’s pupils apply for courses in universities from Aberystwyth to York, and abroad in Canada, Japan and the USA. If it is the right course, we will do all we can to help make it happen.