St Edmund's
Co-Curricular Enrichment
We look beyond the National Curriculum for educational stimulation, and so ensure that Pre-Prep children can enjoy activities such as clubs, trips and access to specialist teachers.
Clubs allow children to develop new talents and skills, or to extend their interest in a curriculum subject. Taking place at lunchtimes and after school, clubs have themes such as library, Spanish, recorders, Maths games, yoga, Lego, History and Art. Clubs are run by staff, with the exception of martial arts which is led externally.
For class outings and school trips, we make use of the rich history of Canterbury – visiting landmarks, shops and museums – and also going further afield to places such as Leeds Castle, Quex Park and the Museum of Kent Life.
Themed events such as French Day, Arts Week, Technology Week and Science Week see guests invited into school to talk to and work with the children. They particularly enjoy their termly sessions with Kic Theatre, our lively visiting drama professional who makes our topics and stories come alive. We also use the specialist expertise of teaching staff from the Senior and Junior Schools, and visit the Science Department on a regular basis to take part in and observe experiments and investigations linked to our topics.
Music is an important aspect of St Edmund’s School and all children are encouraged to take individual lessons in instruments such as drums, recorder, violin and piano.